3 Tips To Help Your Child Combat Germs

by | Health, Parent Resources

The new school year brings many things; new peers, new instructors, new subjects, and of course the dreaded common cold. Web MD states that the average child gets 6 to 10 colds per year and in most cases, when your child comes home with a cold, other family members often end up suffering as well. We’ve complied a list of three tips to help your child combat germs.

Transferring Germs Through Touch

Kids love to touch their faces, whether it’s because of a scratchy nose or an itch causing them to rub their eyes. Germs love hitching a ride on hands, so it’s important to make sure that children know that putting their hands on or near their face, when their hands aren’t clean, can cause germs to enter their body rapidly. Remind them to be more conscious and provide them with a take-along hand sanitizer when washing their hands is not an available option.

Hand Washing

Keeping your child from touching unclean items such as doorknobs, books, toys, or even shared office supplies is never a viable option. The solution is to ensure that you child understands when hand washing is important. Evidently, after they use the restroom, but also before meals and snack time. Here’s a handy hand washing resource that you can tape to your bathroom mirror at home for a helpful reminder.

Healthy Eating

Ensuring that you child eats a balanced diet will help aid in their immunity to the common cold. A diet full of processed meat and sugars will not give your child the energy or nutrients that they will need to fight off any type of sickness. A diet rich in fresh, minimally processed foods, with low sugar content will help to build your child’s immune system. It’s important to teach them healthy eating habits at a young age, as the habits they adopt now and learn during their adolescent years will follow them throughout adulthood.

Make this school year, a cold-free one! We hope following these three tips will help to minimize the amount of common colds your children will get this school year.