Some parents will inevitably prefer that their child receives education outside of the public school system and, therefore, may decide to enroll their child in a school that follows
the private system. Private and independent schools are founded, conducted and
maintained by a private group rather than by the government and often charge tuition, or have other fees associated with enrollment.
In Alberta there are two types of private schools: registered private schools and
accredited private schools. Registered private schools, defined by the School Act, meet the basic registration requirements established by the Minister, and are not eligible for Alberta Education funding. As well, registered are not required to teach the Alberta Program of Study but are expected to have results that are uniform with The Goals and Standards Applicable to the Provisions of Basic Education in Alberta.
Accredited private schools are approved by the Minister under the School Act, and request additional recognition beyond basic registration to obtain accredited character. Any private school that is non-funded is required to enroll seven or more students and from a total of two or more families.
Accredited private schools break into three different categories:
• Accredited non-funded schools are
predominantly language and culture schools, but some put focus on adult learning.
• Accredited funded schools meet
educational standards and are entitled to partial provincial funding. In accredited funded schools students are required to write
provincial tests and are taught the Alberta Programs Study by Alberta certified teachers.
• Designated Special Education Private Schools (DSEPS) only work with students who have special needs, and provide
education services to students who are entitled to special learning programs. DSEPS’, which are approved every year by the Director of the Special Programs Branch, meet the same liability requirements for funding as public
systems and receive the same special education funding rates.
According to the Alberta Education, accredited private schools must employ certified teachers and must follow the Alberta Education Program of Studied, which identifies what students are expected to learn and do in all subjects and grades.
Many private and independent schools follow a particular philosophy or viewpoint that is based on a careful match between school and parent values about learning. A long-term commitment is desired by private school educators in order to allow individual students to achieve the Alberta curriculum according to their own development and encourages mastery over content before moving a student to a more challenging level. Students will exercise project-based learning with specialist teachers in the core curriculum as well as in art, drama, music, language, home economics, and computer science. All of these options take a well-balanced approach and give students control over their learning.
Private and independent schools focus on well-rounded integrated studies programs that will provide students the opportunity to pursue their academic interests and provide additional opportunities for students to learn hands-on skills, for example in culinary arts or a shop dedicated to maintenance.
Alberta respects parental choice and upholds its educational standards, which reflects one of the reasons why the province is recognized for providing its citizens with one of the best education systems in the world. Built on a range of educational choices that provide diversity and healthy competition, independent and private schools were designed to enhance the efforts of providing excellence in education, and be an integral part to Alberta’s development of a first-rate school system.
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