How To Keep Education Alive Over Summer Break
Just because school is out for the summer, it doesn’t mean your kids should stop learning. In fact, studies show that most students lose the equivalent of two months of grade level math skills by not engaging over summer. Interestingly enough, while some students also lose two months of reading comprehension skills, others make gains in reading during the summer. Below are some tips for educating your kids while school is out.
Put books in their hands.
As mentioned above, gains are made the students who actively read on a regular basis outside of school. Whether the material is academic or leisurely in nature, keeping your kid’s brain engaged is the most important thing. If you have a kid who doesn’t naturally love reading, there are a few things you can do to get creative.
If there are summer blockbusters coming out that were originally books, encourage your kid to read the book first. Then you can have a discussion about the differences between the two versions after seeing the movie together. For younger children, reading books together is a good way to ease them into reading. Take turns alternating who reads each chapter aloud. Books in a series are often ideal, because once your kid is interested in the characters and story, they will be more likely to continue to read.
Bring learning on the road.
Whether you’re taking a trip to a beach destination, or simply a trip to the grocery stone, learning can happen anywhere. When planning your family’s summer vacation, think outside the box when it comes to educational activities. Look into local food factories that give tours, or a historical venue complete with reenactments and authentic clothes. The more fun your kids are likely to have, the more educational information they will retain.
Try a reward system.
If your kid struggled with one or more subjects during the previous school year, the summer break is the perfect time to help them catch up and even get ahead for next year. Problem is, if your kid spent all year despising math, they probably won’t be keen to use math practice games and workbooks during their off time. Negotiate rewards, such as play dates with friends or trips to the movies, for spending time learning.
Use these tips to keep your kids actively learning over the summer and one step ahead for the next school year.